A Breath of Fresh Air is VCU Massey Comprehensive Cancer Center’s tobacco cessation service, designed for active patients who are being treated by Massey with current or past cancer who want to quit smoking. Active patients can join at any time. Enrollment in A Breath of Fresh Air is no cost.
We also coordinate prescriptions for nicotine replacement therapies and/or other cessation medications to help patients quit smoking.
A Breath of Fresh Air participants will attend six (6) weekly group meetings where attendees will:
- Set a quit date
- Learn strategies to cope with cravings, manage withdrawal symptoms and reduce stress
- Provide and receive peer support and encouragement
Groups take place in person at Massey’s Cancer Center’s Stony Point and AOP locations. If you are interested in joining the program, speak to your provider about a referral, or contact us at (804) 628-8920 or fresh.air@vcuhealth.org.
There are plenty of health and personal benefits from quitting smoking. As you receive cancer care, quitting smoking can:
- Improve the chances of your cancer treatment being successful
- Help you recover from treatment faster
- Lessen the side effects from treatment, including pain
- Potentially lengthen your survival
- Lower the risk of your cancer coming back
- Lower your risk of getting new cancers
- Improve your sleep and help you feel less tired and have more energy
- Improve your breathing and help your heart and lungs work better
- Improve your quality of life
- Improve your self-esteem
- Help you feel more in control of your cancer care
Statewide resources
- Telephone Counseling - Virginia Quitline
Call 1-800-QUIT-NOW (1-800-784-8669) or visit Quitnow.net/Virginia to speak with a trained quit coach for free. Coaches are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Services are available in English and Spanish. Special multi-call services are available for the uninsured. - Text 2 Quit
Text QUIT to 47848 to receive free text messages that give continual encouragement, advice, and tips for becoming smoke-free.
National resources
- “This is Quitting” for youth, ages 13-24
“This is Quitting” is a free mobile program from Truth Initiative designed to help young people quit vaping. The first-of-its-kind text messaging program incorporates messages from other young people who have attempted to or successfully quit e-cigarettes. Text DITCHJUUL to 88709.