About the Cancer Mouse Models Core (CMMC)
The CMMC aspires to make translational research an attainable goal for all Massey researchers. The CMMC provides expertise and services that facilitate preclinical mouse models to support the development of novel cancer therapeutics and precision medicine.
The CMMC works collaboratively with other Massey shared resources, providing assistance with mouse models by using a variety of drug delivery methods, surgical techniques, and animal procedures. The shared resource also offers support with several different types of mouse models: syngeneic models, genetically engineered mice, and xenograft models. The CMMC combines knowledge of preclinical drug testing and cancer mouse models to design and perform experiments that produce accurate data.
To start an inquiry regarding how the CMMC can facilitate your scientific goals, please submit a request:
Acknowledge the Cancer Mouse Models Shared Resource

This Shared Resource is jointly supported by VCU Massey Comprehensive Cancer Center and the Office of the Vice President for Research and Innovation.
Suggested grant language
The VCU Cancer Mouse Models Core Shared Resource (CMMC) facilitates in vivo translational research by providing assistance with mouse models of cancer and in vivo drug testing. Directed by Jennifer Koblinski, PhD, the core employs the core additionally employs a full-time lab manager and 1 FTE experienced in designing and performing experiments using syngeneic, xenograft [including patient-derived xenograft (PDX)], and genetically engineered mouse models of primary and metastatic cancer. Additionally, the CMMC develops patient-derived organoids (PDO). CMMC staff members provide experiment consultation and train researchers in specific animal procedures. The facility is equipped with: a cell culture and preparation room that includes a BSL2 cell culture hood, Zeiss Axio Zoom V16 fluorescence dissection microscope, and BioRad TC20 automatic desktop cell counter; a KOPF 963SD Neurostar Motorized Ultra Precise and KOPF 940 Small Animal Stereotaxic Instrument for precise delivery of drug or tumor cells; an IVIS Spectrum and IVIS S5 preclinical in vivo imaging system; Coloview for endoscopy of small animals; Hemavet 950 for Complete Blood Count, and data management and analysis tools that include StudyLog Desktop software, Living Image 4.5.1 software, ImageJ software, and access to the MCC shared research drive. The CMMC is located on the first floor of the VCU Massey Comprehensive Cancer Center Goodwin Research Laboratories in Massey room 1-108. The facility is supported, in part, by funding from the NIH-NCI Cancer Center Support Grant P30 CA 016059.